btc 2023.6.7,HOLD ,430000usd btc 2023.6.7,HOLD ,430000usd
BTC: CLOSE 2022.12.19 A=770d B=1064d=1.382*770 C=1470d=1.382*1064=1.382*1.382*770
BTC constitutes a W bottom from 3122-13880-3850, and 3122-3850 can form a FIB time period, It just reached the 1.886 callback time node in May, and reached the theoretical height formed by the bottom of W in April (13880-3122)/3122*13880+13880+3122=64830 Looking forward to the next time point 2.1-2.14, July 22-August 9, 2021, a new starting point
Here is similar to 2015 and 2016, you need to wait for MA120-135 to form a strong support platform. Year-end is still bullish, it takes time and patience
Crossing the yellow line, it will move towards 22000, and if it breaks through the red line, it will approach the purple line