Luna Classic: All-nighterI've got my ham sandwich, and Kenobi qued up on Disney+ because it will be a long night.
Luna bumped into the orange circles I made last night, and that's scary cause it makes me look like I know what I'm doing here. So I've updated my chart to what looks like a shotgun blast down south.
That shawty got low to 0.00006 while I was sleeping, resulting in an updated hopium line I have charted out from that recent low, and if last night is any indicator, it looks like we have to cash in some bags and watch this play out until 4:30 AM EST.
I know you're all patriot fans out there, so there is still a chance Tom Brady will throw that 0.0001-yard line touchdown pass, but if that happens, it's only the beginning of an uphill battle, although one that's possible to win by the fact that we cant short this on kucoin right now.
Also, that other shit coin Luna 2.0, looks to be following us, so don't pay it any attention, it will just ask you for money, and we only deal in 1000X terms.
Yellow circles are confirmed predictions, faded circles are old/irrelevant projections, and blue circles are the new targets as of writing.