Book reviews | what is useful for a trader novel about India
Many people believe that in order to successfully trade on the stock exchange, you need to study only specialized literature. I believe that a person should develop comprehensively, and business and life outside of business are an inseparable whole. And if a person has big problems in the family or difficulties in everyday life, it will sooner or later affect their work! But let's go to the review.
To begin with, I read this book on the advice of a friend who said that almost everyone who read it carefully and to the end has since visited India. I am no exception, and I lived in India not passing through, and wintered from 2018 to 2019, and still stayed for the rainy season. I left this country in August 2019.
As a rule, any book or event I have is analyzed to identify the TOP ideas or tips that I can apply in my life to improve it or make it better. In this book, the main idea for me is that if you really want something , then you should act without looking back, as if there is no road back and bridges have already been burned. This is what happened to the author of the book, who escaped from the strictest and most secure prison in Australia. I also realized that the power of visualization, charged with emotions, is incredibly strong and quickly brings you closer to your goal! I remember reading it and imagining slums, Indian cafes, smells and dishes. And then when I business traveled and studied Indian championship in football, and visiting different places (Guwhati, Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi) I just remembered that this is exactly how I imagined it all! A lot of course in the book is invented and a lot of fictional stories, but the power of visualization really helps.
For those who do not want to read this book or listen to the audio version, we have it in the library in various formats and we will share it with you without any problems. Well, for those who finally decide that the money you earn on the stock exchange is needed to spend it somewhere, I advise you to take a closer look at traveling to India, because this will really change your life!
TOP 3 IDEAS how useful the book "Shantaram" will be for you"
1) Helps you learn how to visualize with emotions, which speeds up your goal achievement
2) Helps you understand that achieving a goal depends on determination, and bridges behind your back
3) Expands your horizons and makes the world much richer
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