$RBLX The Epic Failed Hindenburg ShortFor some time now Hindenburg has published reports about NYSE:RBLX poor financials and very suspect safety concerns regarding NYSE:RBLX and their users.
Time and time again Hindenburg has misled and proved incorrect on these allegations.
One of the article's they published as a safety concern for users of NYSE:RBLX was completely inaccurate with links that went to locked locations.
Here is the Link: x.com
As you can see, no one can enter the links provided. Hindenburg is manipulating the flow of information to profit. But we know better..
NYSE:RBLX is in the midst of an Epic Short Squeeze and Hindenburg will pay the price.
You thought NYSE:GME was something? Just wait..
Buy now and buy often. Load up on long call options with as much time as you can get. When NYSE:RBLX hits our projected target, you will be glad you did.
Hindenburg will not.